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Bluelab Guardian Monitor Wi-Fi

Bluelab Guardian Monitor Wi-Fi

Always On. Being There Optional.

Monitor your reservoir pH, Conductivity and Temperature with alerts on your phone when using the Wi-Fi capable Bluelab Guardian Monitor.

  • Built-in Wi-Fi (with option to disable)
  • High/low pH, temperature and conductivity alarms
  • Non-volatile memory – keep settings through power loss
  • Plant-safe green LEDs with adjustable display brightness
  • 2 metre / 6.6 foot measurement probe cables
  • 110 – 240 VAC (Mains powered)
  • Interchangeable power plug
  • Replaceable Bluelab pH Probe (with BNC connection)

When connected to Edenic by Bluelab app:

  • Instant alarm alerts to your phone 
  • Remote monitoring and control
  • History reporting to assist data-driven decision making

 Bluelab Guardian Monitor Inline Wi-Fi now available!







The Bluelab Guardian Monitor Wi-Fi is a constant indicator of the desired levels of nutrient solution, enabling you to optimise these vital parameters as your crops progress through each growing stage.



Tried and trusted by growers

Bold, bright and always on

The Bluelab Guardian Monitor Wi-Fi's plant-safe large backlit LED display allows you to view your pH, EC, and temperature at a glance.

You can also set discreet visual alarms for your preferred parameter ranges; these will let you know whenever your parameters are out of range. This ensures that you will always be on top of your reservoir conditions.

The Bluelab Guardian Monitor Wi-Fi is mains-powered and mounted to the wall or hung on a support with two probes placed into your reservoir.

Your key parameters – at a glance

Maintain your Bluelab Guardian Monitor Wi-Fi

While no calibration is required for conductivity and temperature, you will need to calibrate your monitor’s pH probe on a regular basis. Stock up on everything you need to clean, maintain and calibrate your probes by purchasing a Bluelab Probe Care Kit.

Stay connected to your parameters

The Bluelab Guardian Monitor Wi-Fi gives you mobile alerts in Edenic software. If something goes wrong in your nutrient reservoir, you will be the first to know. Two-way communication means you can update alarm settings from the comfort of your arm chair, all adding up to that peace of mind your plants are well Guarded.



    $429.00 नियमित मूल्य
    $386.10बिक्री मूल्य
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